Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Kaziranga National Park and Resorts

If you are a nature lover you should definitely try wildlife safari rides. There are many places in India which offers such wildlife tours. You would observe animals in their natural habitat and not in cages like you find them in zoos.

There are many wildlife parks where you can go for a safari rides. Wildlife parks like Kaziranga National  Park, Similipal National Park and Kanger Valley National Park gives you a proper feeling of wildlife safari. Every park has its specialty as you could view different wildlife in all of the wild parks. Kaziranga national park is known for its one-horned rhinoceros and huge density of tigers. If you happened to visit the Kaziranga national park, you would be able to get a full-fledged wildlife tour from the resorts you would be staying it. If you want to be cost-effective it is advisable to book your accommodations directly over the net and later choose the wildlife tour available from the resort itself.

There are many resorts surrounding that sorrounds the Kaziranga National park. Most of them provide you the basic amenities but few provide you the real luxury where you could feel very close to the nature. When I was there for my first safari I had made by arrangements in Grassland resorts. It was so comfortable resort that it gave me the feeling of being very close to the nature. The luxury which I pointed is nothing to with electronics or latest gadgets. Luxury here is to enjoy all the fresh air and be along with all forms of living things.


If you wish to know the best resort in Kaziranga it would be the grassland resorts. It has been just acquired by PUL (Panoramic Universal Limited) and branded it as United-21 grassland resort. As PUL is into hospitality sector for more than a decade you could accept the same kind of service from them too.

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